Blackee @ Stranger Factory
Category: Daily Monsters, For sale, Illustrations, Stranger Factory | 1 Comment
Blackee, acrylic painting for the Winter Salon at Stranger Factory. Check this link to watch more of available arts !! Blackee, en couleurs pour le Winter salon chez Stranger Factory ! N’hésitez pas à aller voir ICI les autres œuvres disponibles !
Winter Salon is open at Stranger Factory
Category: Illustrations, Monsters Family, Stranger Factory | 2 Comments
You can watch, and even buy if you want, all of the art still available on the Stranger Factory website during the Winter Salon HERE ! They are plenty of other beautiful things by so much talented artist like Brand Peters & Kathie Olivas, Carisa Swenson, Amanda Louise Spayd, Chris Ryniak, Tim Lee,Shing Yin Khor, [...]