- INTERVIEW – Beautiful Bizarre
- ZOOLOGIA – US Version
- The Mini-Encyclopedia Of Monsters & Coloring Book
- “Suggestivism Resonance” Show -Spoke Art Gallery – NY
- “The Forgotten Island” show – ArtMind Gallery – Denmark
- Of Scales & Feathers – Spoke Art Gallery – NY
- Vanitas Show at Haven Gallery – NY April 24th/March31st
- Graphite Magazine
- New Book – “Bunny!”
This entry was posted on Tuesday, August 26th, 2008 at 5:46 pm and is filed under Daily Monsters, Monsters Family. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
Wow, they look like robots! This one’s my favorite until now.
Another question: do you guys also have drawn real robots, or are they always creatures. They probably are.
Ho yes we draw everything, and robots are one of our favorite things !! Check our another website “Stan & Vince” the link on the left column… I’m working alone on this monster Diary but usually I used to work with my forever Pal “Vince !! Check that, there’s Robots, girl and plenty of other stuff !!!
excellent celui là man !!!!