Peechu & Mew for Bewitching III
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Halloween is almost here and an exhibition will be held at Stranger Factory on 11 October ! Here are two of the four sculptures that will be presented there! Peechu and his charming look and Mew and his ghosts worms. I suggest you watch carefully all parts of other artists because it may be quite [...]
I am currently working on the next Group exhibition ” Bewitching III ” to be held next month at Stranger Factory ! I have fun and it will be an opportunity to showcase and sell new sculptures of my little creatures ! I used my experience with the ones I made for “Monsters & Misfits [...]
Kondo “French Colorway” is available NOW in my shop !! Limited to 25ex signed & numbered ! HERE Kondo version française est en vente dans mon shop !! Limité à 25 exemplaires signés et numérotés ! Cliquez ICI
Monsters & Misfits III will opening September the 13th, and it will be an huge show !! I’m much proud to be a part of it among the marvelous Brandt Peters, Kathie Olivas, Amanda Louise Spayd, Chris Ryniak, Doktor A, Andrew Bell, Carisa Swenson et Brandon Ragnar Johnson !!! I will show three sculptures. May [...]